Friday, September 28, 2012

It's Friday!

Well, I am going to copy every other blogger online and post my friday favorites! Just because I can. 

I have discovered a photographer that I really like - Gregory Crewdson. I feel like I can transport myself into his pictures and love the dreamy solitude.  

Speaking of dreamy sets...I watched Moonrise Kingdom last night. I loved it of course! Not only do I love all the characters but also the set design. I feel like Wes Anderson just keeps making hit after hit. 

And lastly, a song from the film that I can't get enough of and is motivating me to discover other french artists

I hope everyone has a great weekend! Not entirely sure what I am doing yet...but it might involve purchasing a pink velvet love seat off craigslist :)  

Monday, September 24, 2012

Beer and Brats

This weekend was really fun. Friday night Brian and I headed over to the casino just to hang out and get out of the house. Brian really likes playing the slot machines and he always wins. Every.Time. Of course I have the opposite luck and lose...every stinking time. It really makes me mad so I hardly ever play. We met another couple and they told us about the "Cabaret Theater" so we wanted to go in and see what was going on. They ended up having a live band that covered mostly classic rock with the occasional Alice in Chains song so I was a happy girl. Then Saturday we drove to Leavenworth (a tiny bavarian town in the mountains) and stayed the night in a cute little Inn. We frequented the beer gardens and had curry wurst (my favorite kind of wurst) with lots of mustard and sauerkraut. It was delicious. And of course to wash it down some local and german beer. It was the perfect overnight's not a far drive for us but feels like we are thousands of miles away. Because we are in fall now the drive was probably the most gorgeous drive I have ever taken. Maybe not the MOST beautiful but it's definitely in my top 5. Coming from California we don't have drives like these back home so it just feels totally unreal and almost exotic. The trees and bushes range from bright green to red to orange and yellow and the leaves fall down on the road like snow. I could go on and on so Ill just stop here. I am realizing that it's important to take trips together and just get away. It doesn't have to be like a week long vacation or anything...just a night will do. It's nice to get out of the usual routine, just be present together and focus on our relationship without distractions.

Oh yes, there were go go dancers! 

Check out those bell bottoms!

Started the drive w/ a salted caramel latte

Our Inn

Front Street

My dad would be all over this hot sauce and we couldn't stop laughing at the ridiculousness of the bottle

Spent the evening at the Icicle Brewery enjoying music, beer, warmth and a cheese platter

Stopped at a Salmon Hatchery on our way home

Empty salmon pools

Best part of the salmon hatchery...rescued bald eagles and owls!

This owl gave me was HUGE and absolutely beautiful

This elderly gentlemen shows up at breakfast every morning at the inn...stands on that ledge and blows the horn

Last but not least, there is this tiny little and adorable worship shack that I just had to get some photos of out in the middle of nowhere

Friday, September 21, 2012

Happy Friday

In honor of Friday and the first day of autumn fog (yesterday just might have been our last day of never know around these parts), here is a song that for whatever reason reminds me of autumn and halloween. 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Early Morning Fog

This morning when I got up earlier than usual I opened the curtains in the living room to find our little "mini forest" was covered in fog and looked very mystical. It was beautiful! And of course I had my little shadow right by my side. 

I am enjoying the Pride and Prejudice soundtrack this morning (the one with Keira Knightley)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A Little Walk

Instead of going to the gym I decided I would kill two birds with one stone - walk to the grocery store. It's very close and I try and walk there often. Because I was moving at such a slower pace I was able to get a closer look at the color changing leaves.  

A view of our little forest from the street

My street

Sunday, September 16, 2012

This Weekend

Miss Olive

My latest late night craving

Found my fun journal!

My favorite boy

Au revoir small table

Bienvenue new table

I will be reupholstering the chairs and doing a bit of sanding...update to come soon.