Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Operation Closet

Yesterday I decided to take on a project in my closet. Let me preface this post with whoever lived in this apartment before us certainly put up with a lot of things and they either didn't care/didn't care or didn't care. :) Amongst all the improvements I wanted to redo the shelving in my closet. The way it was when we moved in was all my clothes were basically hanging on top of my shoes. Well...I am a tall girl so bending over to "hang up my clothes" was annoying and let's face it, who wants their clothes resting on top of their dirty shoes? Not me. So I got the parts this weekend and tried to install it yesterday. Unfortunately when it comes to using an electric drill I am not competent so Brian helped me when he came home from work. So now that it's all installed today I am going through all my clothes (I have more than I even realized) and deciding what to keep and what to sell/give away. I am actually looking forward to this...I am one of those people that really likes to organize my shoes and clothes. Also, I am really looking forward to cleaning up the giant pile of clothes hanging out on my floor.